What You Will Need:
1 Retro-Commissioning Study
1 Energy Assessment
500 New LED Bulbs
2 Variable Speed Drives
2 Economizers
A Dash of Motion Sensors
1. The most cost-effective way to get started in energy efficiency is with a retro-commissioning study. Rather than looking at capital upgrade opportunities, a retro-commissioning study will look at what you can improve operationally. Retro-Commissioning (RCx) is the adjustment of existing equipment and controls to improve the use, comfort and energy consumption of a building. Aside from powering off electronics at the end of the day or turning off lights when you leave a room, an RCx study will give you a detailed look at your building and its systems. It can often resolve problems that developed throughout the building’s life as equipment has aged or the building usage has changed. Learn more about the benefits of retro-commissioning in our blog post here.
2. Whether you are just starting your energy efficiency journey or you are looking to uncover new projects, start with an energy assessment. An energy assessment is a comprehensive look at your building systems to uncover potential energy saving opportunities. Our engineers will conduct a site visit to evaluate your building and gain a better understanding of your needs. Following the site visit, the engineer will present a report of his findings, detailing your current energy consumption issues along with a list of energy saving measures. Potential measures include, LED lighting replacements, HVAC retrofits, daylighting controls, motion sensors etc.
3. Once you receive the energy assessment report, we can connect you with funding resources to complete your projects with ease. One of the most efficient upgrades we see is lighting. In recent years, the price of LED bulbs has become more attainable cutting down the project payback period significantly. Since energy technology is continually progressing, the bulbs you installed just five years ago could be due for another upgrade. If you already have efficient LED bulbs, then it’s time to think about installing motion sensors. Don’t light up empty rooms, let motion sensors monitor when to turn lights on or off. Does your building get a lot of natural light? Think about installing daylighting controls. As sunlight brightens the room, your bulbs dim to compensate for the amount of natural light.
4. Aside from lighting projects, your energy assessment report will likely outline HVAC projects. Energy efficient components such as variable speed drives or economizers will optimize your unit’s efficiency and can easily be retrofitted to your current units. A variable speed drive takes pressure off your HVAC’s motor by allowing it to run at different speeds depending on necessity. An economizer takes in outside air to help cool your building without relying on the mechanical cooling process. If you are interested in learning more about VSDs or economizers, check out our blog post here.
No matter where you are on your energy efficiency journey, 360 Energy Group can help you find your next steps. Whether that’s scheduling an energy assessment or retro-commissioning study, assisting you with funding opportunities or helping you out with a current project, 360 Energy Group is here to help you meet your energy efficiency goals. Contact us at info@360eg.com or 312-265-3971 with any questions or to get started.