On Monday, June 6th, President Biden mobilized the Defense Production Act (DPA) to accelerate domestic production of five key pillars of clean energy: solar, transformers and electric grid components, heat pumps, insulation, and electrolyzers (along with fuel cells, and platinum group metals). The DPA allows the executive branch to direct private companies to prioritize orders from the federal government. It was invoked earlier in the COVID-19 pandemic by both the Trump and Biden administration to build up domestic supply of COVID tests and PPE and to accelerate vaccine development. The Biden-Harris administration hopes that using the DPA for clean energy production will result in increased national and climate security, as well as lowered energy costs for American families.
U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm said: “President Biden has invoked the Defense Production Act so that the U.S. can take ownership of its clean energy independence. For too long the nation’s clean energy supply chain has been over-reliant on foreign sources and adversarial nations. With the new DPA authority, DOE can help strengthen domestic solar, heat pump and grid manufacturing industries while fortifying America’s economic security and creating good-paying jobs, and lowering utility costs along the way.”
If you’re the owner of a commercial property and want to maximize the impact of this decision on your utility bills and carbon footprint, contact 360 Energy Group. We have experience in a variety of engineering and technical services that can help you successfully implement your energy-efficiency project.