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Electric Vehicle Charging News Roundup

Over the past week, several notable developments in the electric vehicle (EV) charging landscape have moved forward.

The Ohio Department of Transportation will receive more than $100 million over the next five years to construct one EV charging station every 50 miles along interstate highways. Each station will power at least four vehicles at a time and could cost anywhere between $600,000 to $1.2 million to build.

Today, Michigan submitted its electric vehicle infrastructure plan, which aims to fulfill the criteria of the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Formula Program, and plan out how an expected $11 million in federal dollars will be spent. The criteria (source: The Center Square) are as follows:

· Charging infrastructure every 50 miles along the designated Alternative Fuel Corridor highway and within one mile of an exit.

· At least four DC simultaneous fast chargers.

· The EV charging station must have a minimum power at or above 600kW and supports at least 150kW per port simultaneously across four ports for charging.

The deadline for the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration to approve or request alterations to state EV infrastructure plans is September 30.

Santa Clara, CA’s non-profit municipal electric utility, Silicon Valley Power, has launched a new technical assistance program to make EV charging stations more accessible for multifamily properties, schools, and businesses. The program will support project design and implementation, acquisition of building permits, and the contractor hiring process.

360 Energy Group has experience working with EV charging installation and will be involved in EV infrastructure projects in the future. If you’re a private or public building owner, utility, or government agency that wants to lessen your carbon footprint and make the most of your energy resources, contact us at


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