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IEPA Releases Third Round of Grants for Wastewater Plants

The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency has just released the third round of energy efficiency grants for Illinois wastewater treatment plants, totaling nearly $347,000 in funding for energy and cost saving upgrades. The winning applicants were awarded grant money based on potential energy savings per dollar funded, energy cost impact, how much the applicant facility is already paying for energy, and amount of energy used to treat one million gallons of wastewater at the plant. The funding recipients are the City of Danville, Vermilion County - $260,000, the Village of New Baden, Clinton County – almost $33,500, and the City of Vandalia, Fayette County – over $26,770.

Our partner, The Smart Energy Design Assistance Center (SEDAC) works with the ILEPA to provide local municipalities free energy use assessments, the first step to reducing the cost of treating water and wastewater. If you operate a publicly owned water and wastewater treatment system in Illinois and are interested in a no-cost assessment, you can apply here.


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